A highlight for our guests is the tour of our Chena Native Village. There you will get to meet some of our Alaskan Native Guides who will show you how the Athabaskan survived for 10,000 years in these harsh environments, and how they adapted to Village life and Western culture in the past century.

Cabin & Cache
Riverboat travel into the interior prompted the building of trading posts, allowing trade between Native fur trappers and newly arrived people from all over the world. Constructed by a crew of Alaska Native craftsmen, our Trappers Cabin, Line Cabin, and Cache provide a glimpse into the development of villages along the rivers of Alaska.
Garments & Hides
Learn how the Athabascans hunted the reclusive moose, the process for tanning moose hide, and then enjoy viewing our authentic moose hide and fur native regalia pieces. They were all sewn by hand by renowned skin sewing and beadwork artist Dixie Alexander.

Ancient & Reindeer
Our resident herd of reindeer anchors this area depicting an early Athabascan campsite. Discover how these nomadic people existed in this harsh climate and did so quite successfully for thousands of years before any western influence. From hunting techniques to creative uses of birch bark, you’ll be amazed by the ingenuity and creativity of Athabascan ancestors